Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Quick and Easy Gift!

In the days of downloadable books, there are still many who prefer to read the "old fashioned way" with book in hand. This is a quick and easy little gift specifically for those folks...think of how pleased Grandma would be to slip one of these pretty bookmarks into her Bible...or your child's classroom teacher marking her daily reading to the class.

I began with some May Art's ribbon from The Stamp Simply Ribbon Store. When choosing your ribbon type, you should be sure to pick something sturdier, such as this twill or gingham ribbon. Other types for possible use:  velvet, double side satin, stripes, or grosgrain. I felt that a more casual type of ribbon would match up with the Prima "Trinket Collection" blossoms the best.

I was excited the first time that I saw the Prima Trinket Collection. It's a group of very pretty blossoms with a covered button mounted in the center of the blossom. The netted "petals" are a bit different than usual Prima blossoms, but very appealing!

Cut a ribbon strip 12-15 inches long, depending on how long or if you want a tail that hangs out of the end of the book.

Fold over the end of the ribbon, and adhere with hot glue so that you have a finished end.

You can trim the other end of the ribbon with a fish tail cut if you wish.

Make a bow with another strip of ribbon with the largest size of bow on the Original Bow Easy. Adhere the bow with hot glue to the strip of ribbon onto the finished end, covering the folded, glued seam. Hot glue the Prima Trinket on top of the bow. You're finished! Here's a view of the back of the bookmark.

I hope that you try this quick gift idea...all supplies are available from The Stamp Simply Ribbon Store. Sharon has numerous items marked down now, so it's a great time to shop.

Please come back for Ribbon Inspiration/Stamp Simply Style on Saturday! Hope to see you then!


  1. Love those netted prima flowers. These are really pretty!

  2. Oh my goodness, Deb - these are totally DARLING! I LOVE this idea and HOW simple to make, but what big impact! GREAT project especially when small gifts are needed at this time of year! The flatter Trinket Flowers are perfect for this.

  3. These are beautiful, Deb! They would make a great gift! Love those flowers!

  4. Your bookmarks are beautiful and so very creative. Thank you for sharing you talent I truly appreciate it.


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