Friday, August 3, 2012

Joel and Jamie

I rarely share personal photos here, but just wanted to share our exciting news...our son Joel has become engaged...engaged to the lovely Jamie! My husband and I are thrilled and so very blessed to have Jamie joining our family. She has made Joel oh-so-very happy as well!

Joel and Jamie at our cottage on Lake Superior in May

We Praise the Lord to have two Christian wives for our two sons...truly answers to our prayers! Thank you Lord!

Thanks so much for stopping and sharing our news...
have a wonderful weekend!


  1. What a wonderful photo!!! They look so happy! Congrats and God bless!!!

  2. Beautiful Picture! Beautiful Couple!

  3. That is wonderful news!! Such a cute couple!!! So happy for you and them!

  4. Huge Congrats to you all! Beautiful photo!!!


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