Tuesday, August 21, 2012

CAS Christmas--Stamp Simply Style!

Edited to Add: Sharon has just started a promotion on Facebook...check it out!

We're back with another CAS Christmas design, using products from The Stamp Simply Ribbon Store!

My design for today is very simple, making decorator papers do all of the work. Not a lot of white or clear space, but still quick and easy...(seems like I'm always repeating that...a true CAS next time!)

I've used Prima's North Country 6"X6" pad today. Love the Nordic appeal of the patterns in this pad! You can find all of the North Country HERE.

The stamp set for today: Rubber Soul's Clear "Holiday Stylized." I've used this set quite a bit for CAS designs, as it has simple, yet attractive, holiday images and sentiments. It's also marked down at The Stamp Simply Ribbon Store now!

A bit of Divine Twine Baker's Twine, May Art's 1/8" Silk and Kaisercraft Rhinestones add a simple touch to finish off this CAS design.

Be sure to check out:

Sharon and Darcie's CAS designs...

you are certain to find some new ideas to tuck away for future holiday use!

***OH, and if you've missed my post from yesterday, featuring Stamp Simply Ribbon Store's May Art's Silk Ribbon and Matching Card Stock, check it out!!! Yummy blog candy involved!


  1. Great card, gotta luv that amazing paper too!

  2. these papers look gorgeous- great card

  3. Hi Deb!

    This CAS card looks fabulous...I love it Deb! Josh is here visiting for a bit...and then he is going to England to an RAF/US Air Base for 2 years. I am enjoying every moment I can with him while he is home. It's a good thing I have barely touched my holiday cards...because when he leaves...I will probably lock myself in my art room and get them done! Thanks for the great ideas!

    Miss you!

    He IS Able!
    Traci S.

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